So from my previous post some of you might have known that I was lucky enough to get into the finals of Blogger Masterchef Malaysia about 2 weeks back, which was held LIVE in SACC Mall Shah Alam. So after all the hoo-haa and getting lost in Shah Alam (damn u so many roundabouts and one-way-roads), I finally made it there alive and was almost immediately thrown into the battle field.
And the mystery ingredient of the day was...avocados. The organizers totally threw a curve ball at us as we all thought it was going to be a common fruit or vegetables, heck even eggs in the box! I decided I was gonna make a sandwich thingy with some avocado salsa straight away, sticking to something I know well and not gonna take any chances this time around.
And this came out. I was happy with the presentation but was not happy with the taste. The avocados were somewhat still unripe and I added extra coriander to the salsa to mask the taste of unripe avocados, which proved to be a mistake. Ah well but here you go: French Toast with Mushroom Omelet and Avocado Cream served with Avocado Salsa, with a sauce of Avocado Coriander Cream & Basil Pesto, now say that out fast 5 times, heh.
Well the sandwich thingy turned out alright for the judges, but they didn't like my salsa because there were too much coriander in it, which overpowered the whole dish. Damn u coriander!
I was hoping the 2nd challenge, which requires us to cut some onions would save me some extra point. Well I was the fastest cutter (and bloodiest, as you can see) and quite frankly, I was pleased with the results :)
Here's doggyjames showing you how NOT to cut onions...
Well and it was over in a flash. I did not win anything but sources told me my name was placed 3rd overall :) Not a bad achievement if its true I must say :)
Wendy of was the champion and Wawa of came in 2nd. Good job to both of them! Great champs :)
A special shout out to all my friends who came during the finals. You peeps rock!
All's well ends well in the end, this experience has certainly ignited my passion for cooking again and friends reading this: expect to be invited to dinners at my future crib very soon :)
doggyjames go watch the real thing on Astro, heh.